(2024030) Modified Polished Rod with Sucker Rod End - Ensuring a Stronger Connection


Bradley Link and Benny Williams

This paper will cover topics around the polished rod component of a downhole sucker rod pump. It outlines the development and testing of a Patent-Pending polished rod design by Q2 ALS, featuring a polished rod with a sucker rod end connection on the lower end. In contrast to traditional polished rod connections, the sucker rod connection has a superior threaded design, incorporating a shoulder for the coupling to make up against, resulting in a stronger pre-loaded threaded connection. This design not only creates a better connection at one of the highest loaded points in the pumping system, but also mitigates the risk of potential polished rod egress through the stuffing box upon failure. This innovative design minimizes the risk of failure at the connection point.

Presentation Information

Wed 10:00AM - 10:50AM, Room 111
Thu 1:00PM - 1:50PM, Room 111

Annual Conference Info