The Rising Acceptance of Plastic Pipeline Coatings Applied Internally, In Place


G.S. Rice, Internal Pipeline Maintenance Company

The internal protection of pipe through the use of plastic coatings applied by "in place" methods has enjoyed a rising acceptance in the oil and gas industry during the past four years. This growth was witnessed in 1958 as compared to all preceding years, not only by a larger dollar value of sales. But also by a larger average job contract; a wider variety of reasons which lead the individual user to select "in place" methods; and by an actual greater number of users. This rising acceptance of "in place" work has been predicated upon the contractor's ability to improve his cleaning and coating techniques. The present day "in place" cleaning method, which relies not only upon mechanical scraping but also upon chemical reagents and solvents, results in a surface comparable to any surface cleaned industrially, as in automotive or appliance plants.

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