The Skillman Downstroke Pump Lifting Fluid Is History Downstroking Is the Future


Matt Skillman, Skillman Pump Company

Since the inception of the rod pump it has been assumed that all rod pumps must lift fluid. For centuries that has been true. In modern times leathers and flapper valves have been replaced with spray-metal plungers and balls and seats, metal barrels have replaced bamboo and wooden sucker-rods are now made of metal, but the concept and primary design has stayed the same. Many advances in metallurgy and precision manufacturing have extended pump runs, but for the most part oil producers today are using the same technology their grandfathers used on the ranch to water their cattle with windmills. There is a new technology so disruptive and unique the US government has granted a patent. Open your mind, remove your prejudices, and get ready to start thinking upside down. You are about to enter the world of the Skillman Downstroke Pump.

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