Using Integrated Software For Full Field Automation And Analysis


Louis Ray

In most fields today, operators are asked to do more with less. The common theme is; keep production up and expenses down. This paper describes the results experienced in several fields in Texas that are using an integrated software tool for production field automation. The combination of the right personnel and the right software has provided an environment where production costs are reduced and total production is increased. Efficiently monitoring well and facility operations, analyzing well performance, and accurately predicting problems has resulted in significantly decreased failure rates and increased production per well. Choosing the right software involves several decisions: 1. Building versus buying the system; 2. A single integrated system versus multiple systems; 3. UNIX or Windows-based system; 4. Built-in analysis or a separate analytical program; 5. Simply automating existing procedures or providing analysis that improves operations. Choosing the right personnel structure involves determining the needs of the system and coupling that with the available people. Fields that have put an emphasis on well analysis have shown great strides in well failure reduction which by itself increases field production. Proper automation allows producers to concentrate on operations efficiency, eliminating much of the need for solving problems on an emergency basis.

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