Paper: The Design and Operation of Oilfield Electrical Distribution Systems

Paper: The Design and Operation of Oilfield Electrical Distribution Systems

The Design and Operation of Oilfield Electrical Distribution Systems


Jim Culp, Southwestern Public Service Company

The design of a distribution system that will anchors, and crossarms can be used to keep the provide adequate and reliable service at a system in operation in destructive weather. The reasonable cost is becoming increasingly selection and coordination o f automatic protective important. The system should be engineered from equipment can reduce down-time and the loss of the source to the last motor, to provide an optimum production. Power factor and load factor are also a system that will not only serve the load adequately large part of the economical operation of the with minimum line losses but eliminate as many system. The selection of the proper protective sources of trouble as possible. equipment, such as lightning arresters and fused This paper will consider the factors that go into disconnects, is a necessary part of this system. such a system. The proper sizing of conductors to Formulas useful in the design of electrical eliminate excessive line losses can conserve distribution systems are show.

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